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Group photos (please scroll down for a list of group members)

PIC Most of the research group
in November 2018
PIC Excursion to Niagara Falls
(Zurek & Autschbach groups)
in April 2023
PIC Speed boat tour on the Niagara river
(Zurek & Autschbach groups)
in April 2023

The research group members (individuals in order of length of group membership. Please scroll down for a list of former group members)

PIC Ceci n’est pas
Jochen Autschbach
PIC Dr. Xiaojuan Yu
Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Augustine Obeng
Graduate Student
PIC Dr. Aleksandr Zaichenko
Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Dr. Asmita Sen
Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Augusta Kramer
Graduate Student
PIC Dong Le
Graduate Student
PIC Dr. Saurav Parmar
Postdoctoral Fellow

Former research group members (roughly in chronological order of departure)

PIC Adam Philips
Graduate Student (PhD 05/21)
Postdoctoral Fellow 2021–24
PIC Leonardo Araujo Schenberg
Graduate Student visiting
from Sa~o Paulo, Brazil
PIC Dr. Ashima Bajaj
Postdoctoral Fellow 2023
PIC Dr. Pierpaolo Morgante
Postdoctoral Fellow 2021–23
Pierpaolo’s web page
PIC Viswa Phani Srinivas Marthi
Graduate Student
MSc 2023
PIC Herbert Ludowieg
Graduate Student
PhD 2023
Undergraduate Research Student 2016–18
PIC Dr. Laura Motta
Postdoctoral Fellow 2021–23
Scientist at
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
PIC Maxime Grasser
Graduate student visiting from
Rennes, France, 2022/07–12
PIC Dr. Alberto Fernández Alarcón
Postdoctoral Fellow 2021–22
PIC Dr. Soumitra Manna
Postdoctoral Fellow 2021–22
PIC Dr. Claudiu Sergentu
Postdoctoral Fellow 2017–21
Faculty member at University
‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ of Iaşi, Romania
Claudiu’s Google Scholar profile
PIC Dr. Rulin Feng
Postdoctoral Fellow 2019–21
PIC Farnoush Nourigheimasi
Graduate Student
MSc 2021
PIC Dr. Laura Abella Guzman
Postdoctoral Fellow 2018–21
PIC Dr. Gaurab Ganguly
Postdoctoral Fellow 2018–20
Gaurab’s Google Scholar profile
PIC Tom Duignan
Graduate Student
PhD 2019
PIC Dr. Yonaton Heit
Postdoctoral Fellow 2016–18
PIC Alex Marchenko
Graduate Student
PhD 2018
PIC Jeremy Marchais
Visiting Master’s Student, University
of Bordeaux, France 03–06 2018
PIC Dr. Arun Pal
2017 SERB Indo-US Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Zhubin Hu
Visiting Graduate Student, 08/17–02/18
East China Normal University
PIC Dr. Frederic Gendron
Postdoctoral Fellow 2012–17
Frederic’s Google Scholar profile
PIC Dr. Lucas Ducati
Visiting professor from Sa~o Paulo, Brazil,
Lucas’s web page
PIC Renan Vidal Viesser
Visiting graduate student from Campinas,
Brazil, 12/15–12/16
Renan’s Google Scholar profile
PIC Dr. Yusif Abdullayev
Visiting Fulbright Scholar
from Baku, Azerbaijan
PIC Barry Morre II (in the foreground)
Graduate Student
PhD May 2016
PIC Bob Martin
Graduate Student
MSc 2016
PIC Dr. Kamal Sharkas
Postdoctoral Fellow 2014–15
PIC Kiplangat Sutter
Graduate Student
PhD 2015
PIC Haitao Sun
Visiting Graduate Student from
East China University of Science and Technology
PIC Ben Pritchard
Graduate Student
PhD 2014
Ben’s homepage
PIC Dr. Monika Srebro
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2011–2012
Quantum Chemistry Group at Jagiellonian Univ., Kraków, Poland
PIC Dr. Shyam Badu
Postdoctoral Fellow
Shyam’s Google Scholar profile
PIC Dr. Prakash Verma
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2012
Prakash’s Google Scholar profile
PIC The research group
Spring 2012. From left to right:
Sutter, Monika, Ben, Barry, Prakash, Jochen
PIC Mark Rudolph
Graduate Student
PhD May 2012
PIC Dr. Fredy Aquino
Postdoctoral Fellow
Fredy’s Google Scholar profile
PIC Jacob Steffen
Undergraduate Student
PIC Lucia Nitsch-Velasquez
Graduate Student and Fulbright Fellow
MSc 2010
PIC Dr. Lionel Truflandier
Postdoctoral Fellow
2009 to 2011
Lionel’s Google Scholar profile
PIC Jay Paul Helt
Undergraduate Student
(photo supplied by Jay)
PIC Shaohui Zheng
Graduate Student
PhD 2009
Shaohui’s Google Scholar page
PIC Matt Kundrat
Graduate Student
PhD 2008
went to work for SCM
Matt’s homepage
PIC Thao Vo
Undergraduate Student
PIC Catherine Johnson
Undergraduate Student
PIC Brendan Mort
Graduate Student
PhD 2007
PIC Dr. Ajitha Devarajan
Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Dr. Alexander Gaenko
Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Sun Jung Jin
Undergraduate Student
PIC Dr. Aijun Ye
Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Patrick Dawson
Undergraduate Student
PIC Mei Cheung
Undergraduate Student
PIC Kemi Oyelola
Undergraduate Student
PIC Dr. Mykhaylo Krykunov
Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Brian Walczak
Undergraduate Student
PIC Y. C. Electra Tse
Undergraduate Student
PIC Dr. Mariusz Sterzel
Postdoctoral Fellow
PIC Matthew Pragel
Undergraduate Student
PIC Dr. Boris Le Guennic
Postdoctoral Fellow


© 2006 – 2025 J. Autschbach.